Audio Visual - Projector - Lens

Projector lenses are expensive and require proper foam to protect them. Our designs have more extensive foam than commonly designed by others.

Check out our projector case designs that allow
a lens to be stored in the case!



Products shown on this web site are a general overview of some of the types of products we manufacture. We hope they stimulate your curiosity and if you do not see a particular brand or model it does not mean we have not manufactured it. We encourage you to contact us.


AC Distro Cases: Distro Racks, Motion Labs, Avid Systems, Cameras, Decks, AV Electronics, LCD Screens: Single Screen in Case, Multiple in Case, Lift Cases, Monitors, Projector Shipping Cases: Barco RLM/SLM, Other Barco, Christie Digital, Dpi, Small Portables, Projector Stand, Other Projectors Plasma Screen Shipping Cases , Projectors Shipping Cases, Projector Case Styles, ProjectorLenses, TV Stand Cases

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